She opens the link waiting for the message to appear
Hoping that it is long enough
Long enough to distract her thoughts
To pull her away- from the things that are running through her head
She has never been a patient one
She doesn’t enjoy waiting
Her independent soul fights fiercely against the rules she is trying to live by
She doesn’t play games- and yet she still finds herself waiting
Waiting for a response
For an email, a phone call, a text
Something to tell her what is going on
Some gesture of communication-Some effort made on the others part
The message is short
Not enough of a distraction
And so she writes- putting her thoughts down
Hoping this will be the outlet that will allow her to focus
And it is- there is comfort found
Her soul is calmed- she can move forward
No longer waiting- but living
Carrying the hope with her, not allowing it to become a burden