
Fear: Motivator or Not..


Girl 1: What in the world is Contra Dancing anyways?

Girl 2: It's like country line dancing except weird.

Girl 3: Actually it is more of a cross between English folk dancing and country dancing with a blue grass twist. The only way to really understand it is by doing it.

Girl 1: I don't think I want to try it.

Girl 2: Also something to be aware of is that the guys get all sweaty. Some of them even have to bring a shirt to change into at the break.

Girl 1: That’s disgusting. I would never try that!

Girl 3: Let's think about this. When you go Latin dancing the guys that you dance with, some of the really good ones, happen to be all sweaty as well. What difference does it make if they are sweaty while contra dancing instead. Dancing is a sport. People sweat while doing sporting activities. Not only that but the people that you meet while contra dancing are some of the nicest most wholesome people that you will ever meet. Contra Dancing just provides a good wholesome environment to do it in.

Thoughts: I must admit that I was completely annoyed with the fact that these two girls were passing judgment on something that they have ever experienced before. Yet how often do we, as individuals, do this exact same thing. It happens when we first meet someone, it happens when we are presented with an opportunity to try something new that we've never experienced, it happens quite frequently in each of our lives. What is it that is the motivating factor behind not only refusing to try new things but also feeling a need to degrade it to the point of coaxing others to have distaste for it as well? What is it that is part of human nature that brings us to this state? My thoughts: fear. Fear of the unknown. I think that it is part of our nature to want to control all things. We want to be able to know exactly what is going to happen, when it is going to happen, and where it is going to happen. When we, as humans, are unable to know each of these things we are left with fear. Cold, hard, brutal-fear. The one thing that is able to completely disable our ability to complete any task.

Your thoughts?


Joshua said...

You pretty much nailed it on the head there.

Man was that a lame cliche I just used. I guess I am just afraid to try for some new unexplored expressions.

Anonymous said...

Dear Ubiq,

Please blog. If you do not blog, I will cry and be sad and also if you make me, I'll do something crazy like withhold emails or something. Please come back to me.

The Internet

Anonymous said...

Fear does not motivate someone to not try something new. It prevents the person from trying something. Fear is not a motivator; it is an inhibitor.