Have you ever noticed that when you call a place of business, more often than not and only when applicable, they will ask you if you mind holding?
I have had this happen to me a few times in the recent days. And one day when I was feeling quite cantankerous the thoughts occurred to me, "What if I say no?"
Just imagine, you dial the number, listen to the phone ring and wait for an answer. The first thing you hear when the phone is answered is, "Thank you for calling (insert company name here), would you mind holding?"
Now what if I don't want to hold? And what if I say no? I don't want to sit here while you do whatever it is that you are doing and possibly end up forgetting me.
Sometimes you are just not in the mood to be put on hold, and it's not because you are impatient or rude. Sometimes you are calling right then, at the moment, because you need an answer right now. (I guess that it the flaw that lies within todays society, the desire to find immediate gratification in everything, but that is another topic for another post.)
I haven't had the opportunity to try this out, but I bet that 9 out of 10 times I will still be placed on hold. And to further this little adventure, what if my response to the question, "Will you hold please?" is "For how long?". Then what do you think their response will be? How often do you think they will actually listen for a response?