
Life is Good...

In Colorado.

For the past few months I have been dreadfully homesick. I have missed walking thru paths that are a part of me. I have missed seeing mountains that move my soul and warm my heart. I have missed feeling the joyful warmth of the sun on my face, even if there is snow on the ground. I have missed the fresh air, the babbling brooks, and the rustle of the leaves on the trees. I have missed my home. And finally I get to go back, not once but twice. I am so excited! Albeit, the first time will be for work. But I will be in the mountains for four days so who can complain? Then the second visit will be for pure fun.

And just in case you are wondering what Colorado is like. Here are a couple of pictures from my last visit which happened to be in January. I promise to bring backs loads more this next time.

These photographs were taken just out side of Steamboat Springs. It is absolutely gorgeous there during the winter and 10 times more incredible during the summer. It truly is a winter wonderland.

Can you imagine a place where the sun shines over 300 days a year? The best school days growing up were snow days. We would wake up in the morning to a blizzard, school would be cancelled and we would sit around drinking hot chocolate and watching cartoons. Or we would go outside and play in the snow, making snowmen and tunnels where we could. Then we would wait for the sun to come out. As soon as the sun came out it was only a matter of time before we took off our winter clothes and and ran around in the streets as the snow melted from the ground.
By the afternoon most of the snow would be gone and we were in heaven. Then as high school came around snow day meant that it was the perfect day to hit the slopes. Skiing and snowboarding was the way to go.

Ahh...the joys of Colorado. If you haven't been there I would highly suggest visiting. It is, after all, one of the greatest places on earth. And rumor has it that it is the number two place for singles in the United Sates...wait a minute what am I doing in Boston then...that is the question. Trust me, if I come up with an answer you will be the second to know. Posted by Picasa


Tang Tang said...

I've had this unexplainable fear of Colorado for a LONG time now...but stuff like this puts me on the road to recovery, so thanks. Beautiful stuff.

jasmine said...

My goal, my friend, is to help you to overcome this fear...you should come with me to CO...and we will play.