
Here's the story.....

At the beginning of the year I had a plan. For those of you who know me well, you know that this is a big step for me. I don't make plans often, largely due to the fact past plans have been thwarted. But I was excited- I had a plan. I knew what I wanted to do. So I returned from Christmas break...rang in the new year with a polar bear swim and thought I was off to a good start.

Then about a week later everything changed. There were some cutbacks at work, people got laid-off and I was one of them. My plan dissolved and I had to find a way to come up with a new one. First things first. I bought a plane ticket to England. I mean, why not? I was jobless and had nothing better to do with my time, right? Right. Now before you go off thinking that I have been completely irresponsible. Yes. I did do the whole job search thing...I was actually fairly diligent in my efforts. I even interviewed, sent out my resumes to countless openings ( I am still getting rejections to this day), and began to branch out in my search. Looking into opportunities that were outside of my past experiences. Luckily, due to the grace of a friend, I was referred to a great temp agency and have been working for them since my return from England. This worked out perfectly. However there was still that little question of...what am I going to do with my life? Or at least where do I want to and what do I want to accomplish?

Well to make a long story short...after a lot of soul searching and a bit of traveling. I may have the beginnings of another plan. I am starting a bit smaller this time...monthly increments instead of yearly and hoping that all goes as....well as planned!

First I have decided that it is time for me to go home. I have missed my family greatly and I have missed the mountains and the culture of the west. Summer is just around the corner and there is nothing that I would rather do then spend countless hours out in the sunshine in the Rockies. So I have decided that I would do exactly that. I will go back to my roots, figure out where it all started, and move forward from there. To facilitate this process I have found the perfect job....playing with little children all summer at a dude ranch.

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