
A conversation....

me: so the other day I was walking out the door on my way to work. my hands were full and I was in a hurry....

Julie: ok- here we go...

me: I opened the door and then closed it....

the following thought process occured....

"man, I closed that door a little harder than I intended....

(less that .5 secs later) good thing my keys are...

Julie: uh oh

me: sitting on the key rack...right where they belong.

yep...thats right.

I managed to lock myself out of my house.


Julie: ha ha

I'm sorry- that is sad

but so funny

me: the great thing about it is that Billy and Jane are out of town.

fun times.

I didnt have the phone number or address of thier friends who have the spare key...

Julie: uh oh

me: but luckily I remember what street they live on and it is only a couple of blocks away...

too bad I couldn't remember the house number....

Julie: so you went door-to-door

me: so I did what any normal person would do in my cirumstances...

yep. sure did. I chose a house, committed and walked to the door.

"knock, knock"

Julie: ha ha- no way!

me: a scared little old lady approaches the door....

"Do Jill and Jack live here?"

I know at this time I have the wrong house...but maybe she knows where they live....

Julie: true

me: her reply, "No they live a couple of houses down."

"Really, do you know which one?" Is it the last house or the second to last one?"


she had no clue!

and I had thought the door to door thing would be solved with one knock.

Julie: serious?

me: so on to the next door....knock, knock.

no answer....

the last house has kids toys all over the place, they dont have kids so it definitely wasn't theirs.

finally I knock on what I think could possibly be the right door...and NO ANSWER.

Julie: oh no

me: so I did what any sane person would do.

I went home and walked up to the door and tried to open it.

funny thing....

it was still locked, imagine that.

I guess the little elves decided to stay in the basement...dang them!

Julie: hmm

me: yeah so what are my next options you may ask.....

two choices....

Julie: cry?

me: actually I called my mom, which is just as good.

I don't know what I thought she could do. She only lives a couple thousand miles away!

Julie: this is becoming less of a funny story and more of a depressing sad story

me: so on to the next plan..... I can scale the side of the house to climb up to the deck, or I can climb on the roof using the ladder.

(no it's pretty riduculous actually)

Julie: um, yeah

I bet

me: it ended up that my little old neighbor, who just happened to arrive home decided to bring a ladder and climb up to our deck....

I would of done it however...I just happen to be afraid of heights....

Julie: oh

me: yeah, thats the kicker of it all...I am just a chicken...

the best part will come when Billy and Jane come home tomorrow and find out the story from our neighbors..

Julie: or from the police once that frightened old lady calls them

me: one of them has been kind enough to advise me never to lock myself out of the house....isn't that just sweet of him?

I am sure that is an option as well.

Julie: oh yes

thank you captain obvious

me: although my neighbor did suggest calling the fire department....

Julie: that could have worked too

me: lets just say that I didn't jump at the opportunity.

Julie: no kidding

me: although....the thought of the fact that firemen are almost always hot did cross my mind....

Julie: fire department = lots of attention = should be last resort

me: hmm...damsal in distress saved by young and available fireman....

Julie: yes, but is he Mormon?

me: who could resist....fortunatly I am not that desperate....

not yet anyway....

Julie: true that


when did this happen?

me: tues.

Julie: oh

well, I'm sorry you had to experience that.

but it was a good story for me

me: no worries....it definitely added entertainment to my week....

I am happy to hear that you enjoyed it.

Julie: you should blog about it and share with everyone

Note: Names in the story have been changed to protect the innocent.


Kylee said...

Great story and I laughed and it was funny!

jasmine said...

Thanks Ky, I am happy to hear that you were entertained.