

What an interesting concept. As we grow from a child to an adolescent, we change. Then we become adults and we change, physically, mentally, emotionally.

Sometimes change is inspired by those around us. We see qualities exemplified in others and we want to become as they are. Other times change is inspired by experience. An experience that is filled with joy can instill in us the desire to repeat that same experience or similar ones. Or an experience can be filled with sorrow which will lead us to shy away from similar experiences.

I often wonder how change can be defined. Is change good or is it bad. Some people would respond with, "Well it depends on the change." I personally think that all change is good, as long as we recognize it. If change leads us to become less than we are then we must realize this and do what we can to overcome it and become more than we are. All change leads to growth. Growth as humans and growth as children of God.

For some of us our goal is to become as He is. To see as He sees. To think as He thinks. To act as He acts. In order to do this we must change. We must focus on the things that need improvement within our lives and do all that we can to improve them. And when we have done this He will help us. He will guide us and He will direct us. I am grateful for His patience, I know that I am slow to catch on. But He is always there with His arm outstretched encouraging me to move forward.

Change...the caterpillar become the butterfly. How simple and yet how profound.

1 comment:

Tang Tang said...

Change! God bless it. What boring unlearned creatures would we be without the opportunity to embrace such a concept. I love your thoughts, Jaz.